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Destiny McClain




📍ATL 💄Beauty and Wellness | Self-care queen | Micro influencer 🤎My mission is to help WOC love themselves unconditionally and focus on self-care.  👑 I want every WOC to be fully supported, know they are seen and most importantly feel like a Queen! 💁🏽‍♀️I use my platform for natural hair and skin care tips and health and wellness content. 💃🏽I love to dance and  I am currently working to practice mindfulness through meditation, journaling, and yoga. 🔗I'm on this platform for networking, partnership, and collaboration opportunities. Invite me to rooms about: ❇️influencer marketing ❇️content creation ❇️beauty ❇️mental health ❇️wellness ❇️fitness Want to work with me? Let's chat [email protected] I would love to get to know you. ⬇️ Let’s connect ⬇️