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Desireé B Stephens




It’s ALL shadow work 🥳ENFP-A 🤔Philosopher It’s imperative to know we will not have all of the answers, but remaining in the questions keeps us seeking 💫Decolonization Coach I guide you through the process of remembering who you were and your core being before we were colonized and forced into current conditions ✨Spiritual Counselor Everyday magick paired with some good listening and solution based guidance you can learn more here: 👤Shadow Worker Everything in life is about accepting all of your parts and becoming whole again. Your shadow is what you’ve repressed to become acceptable. ☕️ PSL 4 life Coffee is my actual life force and I will never let that go please support my life here: 🎙Facilitator of Shift through open communication. I believe honest conversations are the way to deeper understanding and true intersectionality. The more we have dialogue the more connected we become. You can find my podcast here: 🗣Join my intersectional healing community. It’s an online space with various healers and peer support while we unpack, heal and Make Shi(f)t Happen ❤️‍🩹Join the healing community