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Denise Jackson




Curator | Art Consultant ✨Engaging people with art 💥Notable Curatorial Projects: Film event with Quebec artist/filmmaker Marc Sequin at the Woodruff Arts Center | Exhibits with Rich Robinson of the Black Crowes | Martin Frias from Barcelona with Rock Iconic & Dali at the W Atlanta Downtown | Virtual panel series with Danny Simmons. ⚡️Gallerist | 100+ art events | private clients across the US | international artist relationships 🧵🧵🧵THREAD: ATL | FL | SF | QC | FR. 🌀 HOUSE 🏠 ART + STORIES for inspiring stories & conversations with fascinating people. 🖤 ❤️s ~ my 3 sons, family & friends, magical connections, lots of travel, art, design & beauty! 🪄✨ 💫I’d love to connect for conversations on curatorial projects, collaborations with brands. 🌟 My DMs are open 🌟. Available for speaking engagements, podcast interviews. 🎙 Trusted Housesitters: ⬇️ Connect with me 🧏‍♀️p
