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Denise Brooks




Denise Brooks is the Chief Operating Officer to Dr. Sonja Stribling - CEO and Founder of P3 Global, a platform that specializes in empowering women to discover and use their inner power to IGNITE their next level of their career, relationships, health and business. Denise is a Life Style Influencer, Transformation Speaker & Coach, known as the “Energy in Motion” using her 18 years of training and experience to be an example of how a Next Level Woman lives after changing her mindset to LevelUp and gain confidence to obtain currency. “I am called to move the ambitious woman from the Ordinary to the EXTRAordinary and I love doing this alongside Dr. Sonja.” Denise originally hails from Virginia Beach Va, and now lives, plays and works in the greater Washington DC area and on stages around the world, working alongside her world-class team committed to motivating the masses and helping them to OWN their P.O.W.E.R!!