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Deekshitha Divas




Jai sree ram Proud Hindu Just not another secular indian idiot. I am not religious! I just woke up!!! “It’s cool, bro , i am woke.” binge watcher Bibliophile Amateur writer MBBS étudiant My therapy : writing Happily married( why cannot a 22 year be married after being privileged) Terrible singer apart from that my music choice is intricate i love from Indian classical to pop An aggregator of cute lil stuff “rassembler les morceaux brisés de mon âme.” “Il ne faut pas se fier aux apparences.” I love exploring and learning different stuff. Don’t try to impress me with your stupidity. First make your life perfect. Then try to teach others If you wanna talk facts from Wikipedia nah nah ! Because i can edit it. We all think we know how the world works but we’ve all only experienced a tiny silver of it. Finally clean, you leave your scars behind and run . There is nothing beautiful about carrying scattered ashes I might sound mature than my age (thanks to my traumas)but i am still figuring out what music i like and what kind of Books and tv shows i like ♥️ OMG i don’t judge you !! All I learnt is killing people is okay ( woke customs u should not judge me i will have my reasons) !!! And I learnt divorce ur husband if he ask u a glass of water!!!keep my mouth shut and not accept my physiological disparities and blame patriarchy for that. AM I FEMINIST??? If not is my brain leaking??(i am scared its leaking)l