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Debi John




🌻🌿Debi, understands how play, fosters a deep parent - child connection, which, in turn addresses behavioural and emotional challenges. 😍 Debi John, author of the PAUSE, PLAY, CONNECT Parenting FLow, helping parents worldwide to move from discontented and overwhelmed to playful through psychoeducation, coaching and reprogramming subconscious beliefs. Her energy and passion for prevention permeates through her work as she draws from over 20 years experience working therapeutically in the creative arts industry, safeguarding, and education with some of the most traumatised young people in the UK. 😢Play doesn’t always come naturally to us parents in this fast paced digital world but even after one session with Debi clients leave clarity as to: Why play? How they can play? and What they could play with their struggling tween. 🐝Preparing to speak in some large corporates around the power of play with her signature talk ‘Too bust not to play.’ 🍄Debi offers 1-1’s as a highly trained Therapist and  Quantum Energy Coach, she also offers Corporate Training and online group coaching sessions. 🥰Play Healing Parent Podcast reached number 11 in the parenting charts. ✝️Debi firmly believes that parents can be given the simple tools from her 'Play Healing Pause' model to become the experts of their own children and find healthier ways of coping with emotional and behavioural challenges. 🎤🎬Debi coaches parents online and regularly features on BBC Radio to talk about parenting, home schooling and preventing tech addiction. 🎹She has been in education working with children aged 4-16 for over 20 years, performed as a musician for 25 years and studied a Post Grad in Therapeutic Play. Debi is a parent of two girls aged 15 and 13 and the eldest of 6 kids. 🎬🎭🎨🎹🎼Youngest daughter been in West End, 2x BBC Series and Netflix Series by the age of 13 so understands the pressures on young performers. Let’s connect on Instagram & visit Feel free to DM me about all things parenting today. 😀