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Debbie L Duncan




Life is an amazing journey. Detours and breakdowns are part of of the experience. There is no getting there without them, so get up and dust yourself off and I’ll see you somewhere along the path. ❤️‍🩹Strategic Intervention Life Coach 🧬Integrated Nutrition Health Coach 🌎Global Wellness Professional 🌱Health Entrepreneur Relcaim your passion for living YOUR best life. 🌀With the ever changing world around us, none of us are immune to the craziness that surrounds us! 🌀Through all of this I have focused on my mental & physical health. I have found some amazing resources that I would like to share with you! 🌀My main focus has been helping those who have lost their focus or are struggling with day to day dysfunction & are looking for clarity & balance. If you are interested in a no obligation clarity session, please contact me at my business page 🌀Do you know your Omega 6:3 ratio? I didn’t either. An imbalance in your Omega 6:3 can cause inflammation in your body & it will “show up” in areas as illness or disease 🩸Mental Health 🩸Brain function 🩸Cardiovascular health 🩸Depression & Anxiety 🩸Gut health & so much more I have found a way to combat this IMBALANCE! ✅Please check out my pages. I would love to be able to assist you in mastering your Mental or Physical Health! ✅I am always looking for enthusiastic team members to join me! Let’s connect Cheers Debbie