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Day Sanchez




Emotional, Spiritual & Ecological Intelligence support and guidance for children and youth: 💥Twice Exceptional (2e) 💥Neurodivergent 💥Highly Sensitive Children/ HSP 💥Highly Creative Children 💥High IQ 💥Young Visionary Leaders 💥Earth Protectors ABOUT ME: 👩🏻‍🎤 Solar Punk 🚀 Maverick in Training 🌈 Future Builder 🌎 Earth Empath 🌲 Tree Keeper 🧠 School Psychologist 🫀 EQ Facilitator 🤓 Education Specialist 🤸‍♂️ ADHDer 🧬 Akashic Records Traveler 🔥 Change Maker 🦁 Manifestor Generator 🎨 Creator of Beauty CLUBS: •Twice Exceptional (2e) 🧠 • Ecological Intelligence🌎 • Highly Sensitive Parents REGULAR ROOMS: 📲Twice Exceptional (2e)Minds: Understanding Neurodivergence 📲HSP-Highly Sensitive Parents 📲How to Help Children Cope with Eco-Anxiety • I’m on a mission to inspire all children & young visionaries to embody their highest potential, contribute their gifts to the world, & help us accelerate humanity’s evolution🌓 • I also help families build emotional intelligence & resilience for these times of collective transformation & give parents tools to instill Active Hope & agency in children by inspiring creative solutions to foster ecological balance and build a solarpunk future🦚 ✳️LET’S COLLAB/HOST A ROOM/ PING ME: 🍃Restoring Ecological Harmony ✨Regenerative Communities 🍃Tree Planting ✨Ecological Resilience 🍃Eco-Emotions & Eco-Psychology ✨Grief Alchemy 🍃Nature-Based Education ✨Regenerative Culture 🍃Emotional Intelligence ✨Youth Leadership 🍃A Just and Equitable Transition ✨Conscious Communication/ Relationships 🍃Arts and Creative Expression ✨Somatic Intelligence 🍃Flow/Psychology of Optimal Experience ✨Human Potential 🍃Akashic Records ✨Creativity 🍃Lucid Dreaming ✨Claircognizance/ Clairsentience 🍃Neuroplasticity ✨Neurodiversity & the Gifts of: 🧬ADHD 🧬Autism 🧬Dyslexia 🧬Dyscalculia 🧬Sensory Processing Sensitivities... ✨Ancestral Wisdom 🍃Energy Management & Mastery ✨Transpersonal Psychology 🍃Sound Medicine ✨Diversity/ Disability Awareness 🍃Nurturing Children’s Natural Gifts ✨Collective Action & Solutions 🍃Regen Web3 for Social Impact ✨Building a Brighter Future Now! 🇨🇴Made in Colombia 🏳️‍🌈New York based 🌎 🌱 ⚠️Any comments made by me are for educational purposes only and do not constitute psychological advice 🌊Here for Collective Intelligence🌊 Let’s organize and co-create a world of possibilities for the Now generation!🌎🔭🌱