Dawn F.
Pivoting &family are the year’s focus. Zoo veterinarian (retired) Interested in RE, animals, health, nutrition, dance, learning, knowledge, yoga, the ocean, travel, friends, family, teaching. Lifelong learner...from Math, to accounting to business to medicine to behavior/psychology. I’m passionate about animals...especially endangered animals & conservation. I enjoy warm weather, the outdoors, fitness, nature, beaches and water. Ask me about my encounter with an ostrich! I have two sweet kitties. IG handle igacct16 Here to learn, connect, listen, contribute & expand. Fan of Tony Robbins, Grant and Elena Cardone (RE & such, not his attitude on vaccines), shark tank sharks, HGTV, comedy, & much more. **My presence in a room or club or following a member does Not constitute agreement. I have an open mind and enjoy hearing many perspectives ….peacefully. I specifically disallow any recording, replicating, distributing or otherwise relaying my image, profile, comments via back channel, Instagram, Twitter or any other means without my explicit written and signed authorization. Violation will be grounds for legal action.