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David Baker




God 1st, Family 2nd, Community 3rd GM & Cummins Logistics (Enfield, NC), Wealth Management (IUL investment strategies), AI Consultant and Private Capital Lender. Baker Brown Capital - (269) 377-6184 501(c)3 Renaissance Engineer (tm) - 30 years of manufacturing experience. I have worked within every department of AAM except IT, Finance and HR. BBBG Reads * We will normalize multicultural books within the US and the world. While increasing literacy and financial literacy rates in urban and rural areas. * We will leverage intelligent and practical actions to combat social injustice. * We will leverage technology to provide creative educational solutions. Get BBBG notebooks at all Meijer stores or 💯%🔥🔥🔥 Detroit, Kalamazoo, Portland, Nashville, Focus:HOPE, Global Empowerment and Phi Beta Sigma stand up! Christian Health Care (501c3) - We provide affordable physical and mental health care solutions. LLC Startup - We are the Business Startup : “Center of Excellence” - specializing in the creation and development of Veteran, Women, Minority and Children owned businesses. With a niche approach to getting our clients products into retail stores. We help create community focused business ecosystems, by leveraging a business life cycle approach “Art to Part” to entrepreneurship and business startup development. We are anti legal business creation through document filing services - why pay for free services, and why pay for document filing that can be done for minimal to no cost??? My people (I.E. Poor Americans) are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge. We will elevate communities through business education and mentorship programs. We are a full service provider of Professional services (include but not limited to): * Mentorship (partnering with SBA and other business development services) * Business formation * Business plan development * Taxes * Entrepreneur training * Co-working Space * Grant writing * Lending * Legal * Health & Life Insurance * Credit Repair - Personal & Business Credit * Financial Advisor (Fiduciary) * Retirement Planning * Essential Services (Travel, Logo creation, virtual assistants, work phone, IT, Identity theft protection, lights, gas, cell phone, TV, internet, security systems, and business credit card processing)