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Daryl Andrews




🎲 Board Game Inventor 🎲 Passionate about helping come alongside designers, supporting and empowering others. 🌊🏋️🚣 “A rising tide helps all boats” Titles (Publisher): 🎨 “Sagrada” (Floodgate) 🕰 “BTTF: Outatime” (IDW) 🦇 “Dark Knight Returns” (Cryptozoic) 🐂 “The Oregon Trail” (Pressman) 🦁 “Roar: King of the Pride” (IDW) 👻 “Ghostbusters: Card Game” (Renegade) 🍁 “Bosk” (Floodgate) 🐢 “TMNT: Showdown” (IDW) 💂‍♂️ “The Walled City” (Merc) ⚓️ “Titanic Board Game” (Spin Master) 🕸 “Sinister Six” (Spin Master) 💡recently co-founded a game design studio/consultant house (Evergreen Board Game Studio). We are super small start-up.