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Darrell Nichols




‘We go up together as Brothers and Sisters, or we perish together as fools’ Dr MLK Jr🙏🏽 Connecting People- Building Bridges. Leadership & People Development Specialist, BS- Business Administration Humanitarian, Founding Member of Conscious Youth Global Network, Human Rights activist, Veteran Army Officer, Past President of NW Ohio NAACP, VP SCLC, 20 years as Certified Ohio Violence Prevention/Diversity Practitioner/ Facilitator. Past Pastor, Jurisdictional Bishop, Founder - C.A.S.E for Diversity and radio show Host of The Darrell Show. Certified Reiki II Healer, Certified Reading Akashic Records, Researcher of Dogon/ Kemetic spiritual philosophy, radionics, homeopathic preference, healthy foods, Humanity inclined. Ley Lines - Ancient Civilizations - Sacred Geometry - Philosophy - Spirituality vs Theology/ Religion - Quantum Physics - ‘Trans Physics’ , Unity!🙏🏽 Life for me has been a bit like collecting skills as if they were arrows for my quiver. Sometimes it’s ‘key’ wisdom to open a doors for your key ring. Collect the arrow or key and keep it moving. The existence doesn’t give us answers, but it does present us with different methods of investigating itself. Somewhere along the journey, each arrow will be useful. The corollary is, never stop collecting arrows. Never stop at one particular skill. Keep it moving with the goal of improving our qualities in this ascension experience. As you climb, especially on tough parts, remember, if the mountain was smooth, we couldn’t climb it. So, even if we are feeling burdened, don’t wish or pray for your mountain to be moved or for a lighter load. Just ask for more strength to climb! 🧗‍♀️ You never know how close you are to the top. I’ll see you at the Mountain Top and we can share stories about our arrows and keys and cheer for other climbers on their way up. Agape 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🤠😇
