Dee Egwono
BscEconomicsMscDevFinance HardCoreYorubaNationalist Awoist with a sprinkle of Malcom Little YorubaSelfDeterminationMovement YorubaNationAdvocate ✊🏿 My Name is Dapo Sanwo. If you want to threaten me, ask for my lawyers so you can threaten me effectively. I do not consent to being recorded, section 24 of the Cybercrime act of 2015 protects me from cyberstalking and section 39 of 1999 constitution protects my freedom to hold and express opinion. I also do not own any clubhouse. I also don’t take responsibility for what other people say. I take ownership for what I say. My Favorite Books 1. The Locust Effect - Gary A Haugen 2. The End of Poverty - Jeffery Sachs 3. Why Nations Fail - Daron Acemoglu 4. The Narrow Corridor - Daron Acemoglu 5. The Fourth Industrial Revolution- Klaus Shawab 6. The Fatherless People - Dele Ogun 7. Autobiography of C.O.A by Awolowo 8. A slave ship called Jesus - Dele Ogun A Kelly [QueenPin) Stan Account: No comments on Election till after Election Awolowo on Revenue Sharing based on Population : In a country where the accuracy of the census figures is so much in acrimonious dispute, it is gross and aggravating provocation to urge that population should be used as a basis of sharing what belongs to others who are much fewer in number."The Strategy and Tactics of the People's Republic of Nigeria, 1970 Awo on Federalism for Multi-National Country : I predict that every multi-lingual or multi-national country with a unitary constitution must either eventually have a federal constitution based on the principles will have enunciated, or disintegrate, or be perennially afflicted with disharmony and instability. #EndGenocides #EndDictatorship #RecognitionforSomaliland #RecognotionforTaiwan #NuerIndependence #IsaaqGenocide #Holocaust #StopTigrayGenocide #StopDarfurGenocide #TutsiGenocide #CambodianGenocide #RecognitionforYorubaNation #RecognitionforNigerDeltaNation #RecognitionforIgboNation #RecognitionforSavannahNation #RecognitionforArewaNation My Goal is for my Ethnic Nation to thrive not at the expense of other ethnic nations or by the use of the resources belonging to other ethnic nations but based on the resources both Human and Natural that is available within our independent Ancestral land Uk Referendum Leave 17,410,742 51.89% Remain 16,141,241 48.11% Valid votes 33,551,983 99.92%