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Dan Miller




ClimateTech VC & advocate for action on climate including carbon pricing. Managing Director of The Roda Group, PRIME Coalition IAC, XPrize advisor. To watch my TEDx talk on climate & carbon pricing or listen to recorded interviews, search YouTube for “Climate Chat Club”. Paper on carbon pricing by w/ James Hansen: “You may not be interested in climate change, but climate change is interested in you.” - Tom Friedman ⚪️ Pinball collector 🔭 Amateur astronomer 🛰 Former satellite systems engineer 🔴 Former president of Ask Jeeves 🏭 Carbon capture 🔋 Energy storage 🌎 Climate science 🎓 Cornell/Stanford 📍SF Bay Area 🌁 🇺🇸 Join my ✳️ Climate Chat Club and email me at ClimateChatClub (at) gmail (dot) com DMs open on Twitter