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Daniel StJohn




Providing Clarity to those who want to focus ON their business. Wouldn’t you rather focus on developing your business - enhancing recipes, developing products, reaching out to customers - rather than using that precious and valuable time developing sales totals, attrition rates, and looking at spreadsheets trying to make sense of mass amounts of raw data? I give you the opportunity to focus on the things you are PASSIONATE about (and why you started your business in the first place) while taking on the information. I assist you by showing where you are strongest and where could use some work while you stoke the internal fire. I also love helping those looking for new opportunities, offering advice from a different perspective, and connecting various people with individuals or groups that can solve the issue you are having or find a solution that you or your brand are looking for. I am in Data Analytics 📉📊📈 and looking to provide Clarity with information and dashboards for those wanting to expand their current business. How can I assist you today?