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Jay Hicks




🏑 I’m your favorite Contractor !!! God blessed my hands πŸ™ŒπŸΎ Owner of Kustom Remodeling & Design , HGTV Motivational Speaker (I’m in the hood prison and schools telling my testimony!! Writing a book πŸ“– (From the Mud 2 Corporate America ) Got a panty line coming soon πŸ”œ Willing to work with anyone with the same ambition as myself!!! My life is a testimony but anyways I am a general contractor, I remodel and flip homes!! I was homeless , beat the prison system and now I’m one of the top contractors in South Carolina!! I travel state to state!! I was just a rapper until I tapped into the boss in me!!Blessed and a man that loves God more than my self Veteran 92 Golf US Army (personal IG page is Da_godhonest_truth
