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Praveen reddy




If you never listened To something in your life Aggressively and intentionally I need you listen to me I have too much to accomplish To be satisfied with Where I am right now I have too many people depending on me To win I must stay hangry Hungry is the only thing That's going to give you the power and pain Never stop climbing the There is always another hill to climb go find your and climb dream You gotta be Hungry for your next level You gotta be Hungry for connection and You have to be Hungry to fulfill your destiny Hungry is not an idea Hungry is not a mood Hungry is a lifestyle I'm never full This is me everyday I'm Hungry to learn You gotta be Hungry to read πŸ“š You have to be Hungry to grow You have to be Hungry to manifest What is in your head Stay Hungry, stay You study any animal in the animal kingdom and I will tell you this that the lion is king Because the lion is Hungry The elephant is bigger than the lion and The cheetah is faster than the lion but nobody Is more Hungry That the lion 🦁
