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Cyndi Willis




🤸🏾‍♀️Health & Wellness Enthusiast 🧘🏿‍♀️ “Treat your body right and it will take you far” Women Empowerment : Protect your Credit Scoring ☑️ Property Investor: Short Term Rentals ☑️ Trader and Long Term Investor 📈📈 ☑️ Fundraiser and Advocate for stopping Homelessness What you put in your Mind & Body is what your will get out so choose wisely everyday. 🥝🥦🧘🏿‍♀️ 🌟 Member: Cobb Executive Women 🎊Professional Event Host and known for Hosting Dinner Parties and Charity Events. 👗 Lover of Water 💦 💦 Clean Eating 🥑 Sexy Dresses 👗 Living in Atlanta, GA 🌸 Favorite Quote “Only make decisions that support your Self-Image, Self-Esteem and Self Worth” Oprah DM me and let’s connect 🆗