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Emerging Cynderella




Disclaimer: Being in a room does not mean I agree with their beliefs. I will not respond to messages from men. Hello darling! Thanks for stopping by! Excited to know about your journey! Let’s Stop drinking the water down kool-aid! Demon slayer! Slaying my demons first! Emerging with Beauty 🦋is my motto & living honorably is my way. God Get all the glory for my transformation. Founder & Executive Director of non-profit: Cinderella’s Borrow My Gown. My family sponsor’s woman to experience being Cinderella for a night. After years of interacting with many different woman; God said the clock struck 12 & on I began Emerging With Beauty Movement & Obedience made & discipline made a way. My Emerging is still occurring & determined to see billions emerge! I have children with autism & they have taught me to be great! @cynderellatheartistfonken @emergingcynderellatheartist @cinderellasborrowmygown Here to share my compassion, strengths learn, grow, love, give and receive. I do not have degrees & I did not graduate from college & did not attend seminar, i walk in deliverance & after 7 grade traumatic pregnancy. I dropped out. I have five kids that I love, a granddaughter I am raising. I was not always a good mother. I was possessed, oppressed and a practicing witch. Lived tortured with mental illness, PTSD & was bound by demons. After going to jail & receiving Jesus as my Savior. Finally forgave myself & others. I did not get my ged till I was 40. The hallways of life were full of danger & violence. I never thought I would make it through without dying. In & out of bad relationships looking for love, hurt others & was hurt by others. Hustle was real to kept a roof over our heads. Feed the homeless, served in my community, started non-profits from my living room. Used every talent in my tools box to become better. Read the book, build houses, painted, carpentry, cleaned toilets, cooked, baked, sewed close, cut hair and became a ghost writer. So I am not here to impress you, your opinions do not matter to me, I am here to make a statement, I am here to share how l am Emerging with Beauty and I am for-filing My Godly purpose. The devil with not hold me down or neither will his minions. So if you are not here to help, let’s me help you. Realtor/CAM licensed/writer and walking in my gifts! DO NOT MAKE OFFERS YOU WILL NOT FOLLOW THROUGH: Stop dabbling in fake hope and hurting others faith.
