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Curtis Harren




The Unconditional Man. New Conversations about what it means to be a compassionate man. Can a man be heart-centered and still be manly? Can a man be in-touch with his inner devine feminine, and still be a man? What does it look, and feel, like when a kinder, gentler man shows up? What does being a better communicator do for a man, and the people around him? What does "doing the work" even fucking mean? As a heart-centered man, I've faced stigma, abuse, bullying, villifying and shaming...and that's just what I did to myself! Nevermind what I allowed others to do. Join me as we take on the hard stuff. Get a peak "inside" and man willing open up, be vulnerable and transparent. I don't have "the answers", but I can have the conversations. Come join me! 🐉dragon spirit guides. White, Blue, Red, Green 🦅 🦌🐻🐺 Spirit Animals that have guided me 🔥Firesign. 💧Called to water. Wild natural water. In, on or around. Water calms me. 💨 Fueled by Air. Air fans my fire. Invigorates and even irritates me. A pure stimulant. 🌎 Grounded by Gaia, Pachamama, Mother Earth. Calm and focusing my Fire is stabilized by ground. ☀️ Sagittarius 🌙 Cancer ⬆️ Gemini Still learning me... 👀🙌🌠🌌