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Tracy Friedlander




✔️ Podcaster ✔️ Messaging + Offer strategist ✔️ Helping musicians create teaching businesses they L😍VE Crushing Classical podcast - interviews with inspirational classical music performers and educators disrupting the traditional model and 💥 crushing it! NOW in its 5th season! - I help musicians attract students they love with offers that reflect who they are as unique creatives 🎯 - Get More Students group program 💥 Design your offer so you can make more money teaching students you love. 💥 Become known for your work 💥 Dial in your messaging - the 🔑 to attracting your ideal student New cohort starts 🔜 DM me to join the next group! - It’s all about setting yourself apart in a sea of Classical Musician Sameness - DM me @crushingclassical to get my free report - Get More Students: Attract top quality students that are a joy to work with and pay you top dollar You’ll read ➡️ ✨ The simplest way to immediately increase income from your studio ✨ How to set yourself apart from the competition ✨ The communication secrets to set the stage for targeting your ideal student ✨ How you can *stop* trading time for money... increase your income and your improve your lifestyle DM me to receive the report @crushinglassical on IG Stick around for conversations and Music Studio Breakdown Hot Seats! DM if you’d like to join a Hot Seat! 🙌