Hey Honey
#Writer & CONTENT CREATOR COLLABORATION RETREAT OWNER #Louisiana ✍🏼#Comedian🎤#Creator #BusinessConsultant 👑#prophetic #DiscerningTheWord❤️ #Godcast🙏#Autism🧩#NewAmerica💡#cannabis #EdibleExpert💨 #Anti~Racist💯 💕Spiritual gifts are made to be stirred! Here to share, inspire, motivate, collaborate & connect with others seeking positive changes for themselves & this country’s people ❤️Creating solutions for Change & 🔥Showing how that’s done ✍🏼 writing; books, sitcom & movie- God has given me wisdom & understanding much including ways to build up Black equity QUICK & ADVANCING BLACK LIVES & others oppressed by corrupt outdated system! Im beyond woke ~ I’m fully awake! Spiritually AWAKENED with a calling on my life; Ezk 2-4 Micah 2-4 Isaiah 61💕Spiritual gift of discernment & wisdom I’m also aware this is not a unified country it’s a US corporation but I’m Unprogrammed & ENLIGHTENED! *I’m also aware Jesus was NOT A WHITE MAN! ~ I’ve intentionally researched, re-educated & starting digging for truth- The Holy Spirit gave me visions, ideas & wisdom to share with others as solutions & plans to move forward to create a new type of America- I’m here to help connect others & see to whom the Spirit leads me to as well- I give glory to God for now my mind is free & ready to turn others onto the REVELATIONS I now know! #FreeThinker #SpirituallyGifted #Discernment #Wisdom #prophecy Comedian, business creator & Writer out to “save the world” one laugh, one prayer & one word at time~ *Here to create a NEW AMERICA UNITED AS PEOPLE NOT PROPERTY! #Isaiah61 #romans8 #Micah3&4 #Ez2&3 TRUTH WILL SET US FREE! #God1st ***LoveGodLovePeople ***Strong Advocate for: Blacks, Autism, Mental health, homelessness & Legal natural medicines #EdibleExpert #Cannabis #ProhibitionIsSystemicRacism ***Anti-Racist- Anti-BigRx ~ Anti-Big Gov~ Anti~2partySystem Anti~religions that are rooted in division & Racism #ChurchHurt #CrazyForGod #CrazyForJustice #CrazyForPeople *PRO-JESUS: I believe in TRINITY & gifts of the spirit & ready to expose the church’s that continue lies & hate while claiming to love God! #SavedByGrace #SpeakLife #SpeakTruth #Manifest #FindFavor #ExposeLies #falseProphets #FalseTeachings ***PS YOU DONT HAVE TO BELIEVE LIKE ME, look like me or even like me... to benefit from my beliefs! I love all people because Christ loved me!!!! ONLY JUDGE IS GOD~ cuz I have no Heaven or hell to put anyone in!