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Cori Fletcher




💃🏼 Entrepreneur / Boss mom 💪🏽 🩺 Nurse 💵 Investing student 👩‍🎓 💰 Medical Spa Founder and Owner 💴 Pure St Lucian Seamoss owner 🇨🇦 🍁 🇱🇨 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇱🇨 🌎 🌹 💖Mother, Nurse and Founder/Owner of Treasure You Medical Spa in Milton Ontario And apart of the Pure St Lucian Seamoss family!!! All natural seamoss and seamoss products from my second home ST Lucia. Where the people have been using seamoss for hundreds of years to nourish their body’s! 🌺Offering natural, medical, personal care & cosmetic services for men and women of all ages, skin types and shades. 🦋Promoting being the best of who you are. 🕺Encouraging men to indulge in what was once considered a woman’s industry and enjoy being pampered! 💃🏼Encouraging women to take a moment to take care of themselves since they’re always taking care of others.👨‍👩‍👦