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🖤 🏟🏛🇮🇹🍝🍕Rome based commercial food photographer / digital artist / visual content / nft creator / GAN Enthusiast / SURREALISM / ANIMATION/ Bored Ape Ladies Collective resident artist. ✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️ OFFICIAL LINKS HERE: ✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️ My work was exhibited in Rome, Berlin, New York, ArtBasel Miami, K11 Musea Hong Kong and House of Wisdom in Sharjah, UAE. ————————————— ☀️Grateful to be among the first photographers exploring the NFT space (part of NFT Class 2021) and be part of this new artistic revolution. Proud resident artist of BORED APE LADIES COLLECTIVE, the first nft collective led and run by women. ————————————— 👩🏼‍💻 website: 🍀 Find my links here: 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺 I believe that originality is a rare thing that only a few people have inside and manifest it in a natural way. 🎧 Big fan of Josh Groban and Joe Hisaishi WHAT YOU THINK YOU BECOME. WHAT YOU FEEL YOU ATTRACT. WHAT YOU IMAGINE YOU CREATE.