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Nilza Wuest




💝Parent Empowerment Coach to T1Diabetes Families. Conscious Caring through Education. Mindset & Support Embracing our Children’s Diagnosis & Sharing the Journey. “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.”Mayo Angelou ✳️ Founder T1 Diabetes The Journey 💉 Parent & Caregiver Support Spring sessions Tuesday 8 pm EST ☕️ Experts & Guest Speakers ✍️ DM 📚CPT 📚Level 1 Diabetes 💙Mom of a child to T1D dx 2017 Dexcom tandem slim & CGM JDRF advocate ✳️🏡 Homeschool Educator 20+ ✳️ Conscious Parenting all hearts 🎓BFA OSU K-12 📚Book Lover 📖Miracle Morning 📖It’s Never too Late to Begin Again 📈Biocode System Empowerment Workout Interest 🧩Large Family Logistics 🌱Plant-Based Diet 🖊Journaling 🤝 Co-Parent 📍VA 🇺🇸 🇵🇷 Parent Support 💝[email protected]