Connie Wong
終生学习 极简生活 Lifelong learning Minimalistic lifestyle 兴趣爱好: 🚁 探索不同领域的知识与事物 🎼 音乐 🛼 旅游 🍿 美食尤其是甜点 ☕️ 咖啡 、茶、红酒 📇 写作 ❇️ Chartered Accountant Australia and New Zealand ❇️ Chartered Accountant of Malaysia Institute of Accountants ❇️ Estate Planner of Rockwills ❇️ Investor 🌟 Previous external auditor of PWC Coopers 🌟 Previous tax partner of Owen KLCA 🌟 Current director of KC & Wong Tax Services Sdn Bhd