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Carly Wellman




Loving, compassionate person. Artist, imaginative innovator who loves to uncover lifeβ€˜s opportunities and learn from setbacks. A student of life... πŸ–€πŸ€ŸπŸ”₯πŸŽ¨πŸ’‘πŸ€©πŸ€”πŸ€“ Interests: Health, Outdoors, Art, Stocks, Gaming, Science, Entrepreneurship, Photography, Books, Ecology, Design, Sci-fi, Climate, NFT, Meditation, Small business, Space, Innovation, The future, Tech, Crypto, Farming and The little things in life ⭐️@ComTar#1922 on Discord β™₯️@comtar_veefriends Instagram πŸ”@newflockontheblock Instagram