I’m here to help guide down the path of getting into Cybersecurity and getting certifications. 📍DC. I.T. And Cybersecurity professional with 10+ years of experience with specialties in the following: ☁️ SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) 🌨CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker) 🚨 SIEM (Security Information and Event Management). 💻 Vulnerability Management 🧮 Network Engineering 🌦 Cloud Security (AWS). Creds: 🎆CISSP (#445988) 🌠CISM (#1843128) 🌁CDPSE. 🌉Cisco CCNP Route/Switch 🌃Cisco CCNP Security 🌆Palo Alto PCNSE 🏙CheckPoint CCSA. ——————————————————————About Me: ✈️ Born in Atlanta, raised in College Park,GA and currently in Washington DC. Even though in the land of mambo sauce and GoGo, I’ll still take my 10 piece hot w/ lemon pepper sprinkles wit da Peach/Lemonade mixed. YAKWTFGO. 🍔 Currently creating a Food Truck app 🎱 Usually wherever a pool table is. 👟 Semi-Retired Sneakerhead. 🌎 Multi-lingual. Que Xopa!!! 🗺 Amateur Traveler 🔬NSBE DC 👨🏽🎓SPSU Alumni “Randall Norfleet” on LinkedIn https://linktr.ee/50knowseverybody Join the Randall Norfleet Tech Academy: https://www.rntechacademy.com