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Cody Jefferson




👨‍👦Voted #1 Dad by Stetson Foster 🏆Performance/Mindset Coach 👊🏼I Lead Kingdom Men in Business Build, Scale and Exit 🎤Keynote: Over 500 Stages 🎙Guest on 200+ Podcasts 🖋Contributor to Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Good Men Project 👍🏼Advisor with The Multiple Club, a Private Equity Fund 🙏🏼Advisor to VC Investors on the Interpersonal Value that leads to higher Enterprise Value Every day, I walk alongside successful, driven, good at everything entrepreneurs, CO’s and men in business to maximize their impact, influence and income without sacrificing their souls on the altars of their success. Founder: EMBRACE THE LION, Helping High-Achieving BusinessMen LIVE their legacy utilizing the 4-Pillars of LionMethod: HEAD • HEART • HEALTH • HABITS Real Talk: I was a pastor for 13 years, a touring musician for 10 of those years. The pulpit was preparation for the platform God had planned. Also on LinkedIn: let’s connect.... @ /CodyJeffersonOfficial