Cobra Chen
12/2 - 攻擊高度四千米 科技番外篇 - 淺談德國空軍與盟國在動力,武器和雷達上的掙扎 2023年五月開始,和朋友每週閱讀”攻擊高度四千米”一書,台北時間星期六晚上八點,歡迎各位一起來聽和分享關於二戰歐洲空戰的歷史。 思考中的主題: 🦖討論台灣的勝算一書的概念和思路 🦖重讀與分享孫子兵法 🦖台灣防禦的重中重: 空防的菜市場思路 🇵🇼🇹🇱🇲🇰 IT/SharePoint/Military History/Aviation/Reading and Learn. Recent reading interest/最近有興趣閱讀的書: 🛫Arming the Luftwaffe: The German Aviation Industry in World War II (reading) 🛫 The Petlyakov Pe-2: Stalin's Successful Red Air Force Light (reading) 🛫Never Mind, We'll Do It Ourselves: The Inside Story of How a Team of Renegades Broke Rules, Shattered Barriers, and Launched a Drone Warfare Revolution(reading) 🛫台灣的勝算 - 李喜明 (reading) 🛫 NATO and Warsaw Pact Tanks of the Cold War (Finished) 🛫Aces of the Reich (Finished) 🛫 Battleships: WWII Evolution of the Big Guns (Images of War) (Finished, not a good match to the title) 🛫 The Centurion Tank (Finished) 🛫Hitler’s Tank Destroyers (Finished) 🛫電影和課本誤導的二戰真相(Finished,一邊讀,一邊笑) 🛫 The Battle for the Maginot Line, 1940 (Finished, sort of) 🛫The Supersonic BONE (Finished) 🛫DOGFIGHT (Finished) 🛫American’s First Clash with Iran ( Finished) 🛫Kamikazes, Corsairs, and Picket Ships (Finished) 🛫The German 88 (Finished) 🛫Code Name Mulbery (Finished) 🛫Tomcats and Eagles 🛫 In Deepest Secrecy - Dutch Submarine Espionage Operations from 1968 to 1991 🛫 The Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and its Dangerous Legacy 🛫European, Russian Power Relations in Turbulent Times 🛫The Dark Age of Tanks 🛫Anti-aircraft Artillery in Combat 1950-1972 🛫The Secret Horsepower Race 🛫Tank Warfare on the Eastern Front 1941-1942 🛫T-34 Shock 🛫Spying from the Sky 🛫Fighters over the Fleet 🛫Naval Aviation in the Korean War 🛫 Wild Blue Yonder: Money, Politics, and the B-1 Bomber Lean Six Green Belt Certified. 中英文都喜歡,常在網路亂寫。寫過的文字散見於雜誌,部落格,論壇和臉書,主要在軍事和航空方面。 過去在出版界待過,當過執編和主編,作者,評論電腦遊戲,和一群志同道合的朋友,對抗遊戲出版大魔王! 大學快畢業才去混社團,混到動畫社,認識很好的朋友,看了很多好片,到現在還是喜歡看動畫。 在IT領域混過,目前專注在SharePoint這套系統的使用,建構,用戶導入和訓練等方面,以及使用雲端服務和轉移到雲端的流程。 如果喜歡軍事或相關資訊,歡迎追蹤軍事愛好俱樂部。 HTTPS://