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Rhonda Robinson




🙌🏼 Lover of Jesus and led by The Holy Spirit 🙌🏼Prophetic Daughter of The Most High God 🙏🏼 Prayer Warrior and Intercessor 🙌🏼Worshipper and Prophetic Psalmist after The Heart of Father God 🙌🏼 Licensed and Ordained Evangelist 🙌🏼 Prophetess of The Lord. Trained under Bill Hamon's School of the Prophets-1994 💥Mindset Resilience Coach 💥Transformational Life Coach..Specializing in Mindset Shifting and Confidence Coaching 💥Leadership Strategist. 💥Leadership Style: Transformational Servant Leader 🎬 Performing Artist, 🎓Educator, 📖 Author, 🎤Singer💥Motivational Speaker 💥Entrepreneur 🎓Education: Richard Stockton University-B.A. Performing Arts/ Oral Communication. Graduated Cum Laude 🎓Saint Joseph's University Phila. Pa.- M.Ed Education Reading Specialist Graduated Summa Cum Laude 🎓University of Phoenix- Educational Leadership/ Curriculum and Instruction- Doctoral Elect 🎓School of Theology- Jamison Bible College Phila. Pa. 1991 🎓Bible School- Gary Whetstone Worldwide Ministries. Valedictorian 1996 $RhondaROliver