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Cory Kleinfeldt




πŸš™ Automotive industry-15 years reconditioning πŸš— 🚘 PDR technician by trade - DentPro Inc πŸ’΅ PDR business coach πŸŽ™ Podcast host - the PDR coach πŸ”₯ Arete Syndicate member Sacramento, California TECHNICIAN - DentPro Inc. What is PDR? Paintless Dent Repair. We remove small and large dents in vehicles by massaging the metal from both sides to achieve a pre accident condition No suction cups πŸͺ  No dry ice 🧊 It’s real labor. Real skill. Real art. And growing exponentially as an industry. COACH πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό There are thousands of amazing technicians in the PDR space. I show them how to be amazing business people as well PDR COACH PODCAST πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» I share stories of other techs on how they grew, where they failed, and where they are going. ARETE If you know you know