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Clarence Wooten




I’m an Entrepreneur in Residence at X, the Moonshot Factory (formerly known as Google X). Prior experience: 👨🏾‍🎨 Serial Entrepreneur w/ 2 exits: @ImageCafe, acquired by Network Solutions (Nasdaq: NSOL) @Progressly, acquired by Box (NYSE: BOX) 🔌 Currently: Entrepreneur in Residence at X (formerly Google X) Founder and General Partner @Revitalize, a venture studio focused on changing the complexion of tech and empowering underestimated communities. Join the “Revitalize” club here on Clubhouse. 💼 Founder and CEO: @Groupsite, a leading platform for building communities @STEAMRole, Tinder-like but for discovering role models and finding your dream career. Locations: 📍Manhattan Beach / LA 📍Palo Alto / Silicon Valley 🏠 From the DMV BitClout: @startuparchitect DM’s open 👇🏾