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Chittajit Mitra




🇳🇵 Writer Translator (Hindi~English) 🦹 इलाहाबादी বাঙালি Anthropology 💀 Loves to read 📚 Indian translated books are ❤️ Seeker of stories 🙏 Intersectional Feminist🤝 Resistive Alliance for Queer Solidarity(RAQS) Member ♥️🏳️‍🌈 Anti-Fascism | Anti-Casteism | Anti-Hate "चुप्पियाँ बढ़ती जा रही हैं उन सारी जगहों पर जहाँ बोलना ज़रूरी था। -केदारनाथ सिंह" Current Read: Lal Chowk by Rohin Kumar *Presence in room isn't endorsement of its views*
