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Ciara Kelly




🔌 Food Content Creator, Home Economics Leader, Recipe Ghostwriter 📸 Follow me on Instagram Teaching you to ‘Season Your Food’ 👋🏾 Hey friend, I’m Ciara (see-air-ah) 🏠Club Founder of Foodie Nerds HQ 🏆Successfully Failed (a bunch) 📞 Connecting 👀 Who on here? 📍 North Carolina 🎥 YouTuber: CiaraCanCook 📱TikTok: CiaraCanCook 👩🏾‍🍳 From Dishwasher to Chef 💚CP Mom 🤓 Food & Anime Nerd ✳️Networking and interested in food, food tech, travel, entrepreneurship, Special Needs parenting, women’s health, Peripartum Cardiomyopathy #PPCM, #PCOS, and mental health.