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christopher christian




I am Christopher Christian by name I am from France but right now I travel to Lagos Nigeria for a visit I'm a driver I'm also a footballer and I have more experience of teenage kind of job just here to share my experience looking forward to the next level I really want to be better than days in future I really appreciate to meet you all to share my dreams with you all I really need something that you know we move me forward I need something beautiful to add to my dreams and to boost me up the Lord will be our strength nice to meet you all out there brothers and sisters, so I just feel like meeting someone new that will change my life that will really make me feel like a man this, this is my WhatsApp numbers, +237690312328,, I travel to Nigeria for a visit so that's my number where I am right now, I am but in my country Cameroon that is where I am right now I'm happy to meet you you are I love you all so much