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Christian Tabron




1/2 of @2ndStreetLove | 🚨 New EP - Love Realized, available NOW‼️ 👉🏽 ‼️Listen, Connect & Build‼️ Husband to @evasings Father to 4 princesses | #GirlDad 💯 Singer | Songwriter | Worship Leader | BGV’s 🎤 Personal IG: @christianmusiq ✳️🎙 Moderator @TheMarriageReal Come follow us and join the conversation M & F @ 9 pm! #strengtheningmarriagespreventingdivorce 💯 Phil. 4:13 💯 Jesus + Nothing = Everything KingdomMindedMusic Makes Me Happy‼️ Love for all, who have love for all 🖤 Sports Enthusiast 🏀 🏈 Philly📍 Higher Education Administrator -Rutgers University 📍NJ