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Christiana Carter




Clarity Strategist, Clarity Coach, Trainer, Speaker, Author of Experiment With God My passion is understanding who you are and clearing the fog to uncover your process, value and content. You are the answer you have been looking for. You already know and I’m here to remind you. First step: Knowing how you communicate. What is your style? Crack your personality code and get a free report. HTTPS:// My passion is helping others communicate better. Clarity in communication is primary to getting your message out. DM for more info. HTTPS:// My book: HTTPS:// What if you live God’s Vision of your life for 30 days? What if you believe what God believes to be true about you? It’s a journaling process for 30 days to discover your still small voice within. Rewrite the script of your life in 30 days. Bio still being developed. ;)