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Dr.Chavon Anette




🔥 Fire Leadership Coach 🦅 Prophetic Voice ➡️ Called to Ministry and Marketplace-Ministry Amazon #1 Bestselling Author, Visionary of My Sister Helped Me Heal and My Brother Helped Me Heal, Transformational Speaker, The Fire Leadership Coach 📍VA Called to Womenpreneurs and Leaders ✨Link in IG Bio for one-on-one coaching, group coaching, courses, and mentorship program, and become a certified coach ❤️‍🔥CEO of Chavon Anette, LLC and Power and Grace Leaders, Inc. 🌟Certified Leadership and Life Coach 🌟Founder of Powerhouse Leaders University 🌟Founder of Power & Grace Leaders Movement and Talk Show 🔑 Powerhouse Leaders University is to help kingdom people Break fear, build faith, and less confidently to make an impact in culture. Chavon has created a variety of courses for people to be able to take leaps with God to walk in their purpose. 🔑Transformational Speaker on topics like: ✨Removing the Mask ✨Breaking Fear ✨Identity ✨Leadership ✨Releasing your Sound ✨Sharing Your Story ✨Transparent Leadership ✨Authentic Leadership ✨Transformational Leadership 🌟Founder of Powerhouse Leaders club on clubhouse. Favorite Quote: “The Fact that you are alive today is an indication that you have something the world needs” - Myles Munroe 🇺🇸🇳🇬
