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🇺🇸Houston by way of Houston-we’re full btw God-Fearing, Jesus following$ChristyChatham Founder and Executive Director of Femmevet- If you are a veteran, or you know a veteran, please send them to my website for assistance. Executive Director (ED)-The Global Economic Diversity Development Initiative a 501(c)3 non-profit foundation and business incubator program providing grants to nonprofit and for-profit black owned businesses focused on building economic wealth. Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and Social Justice Equity Public Policy Advocate POTUS, Texas Governor, Mayor Veteran Suicide Task Forces Former Director of Veterans Behavioral Health for a national mental health organization, Female Leadership empowerment and support Former Ethics Financial Analyst for 2 US President Administrations US Army Veteran, 🇺🇸Military Intelligence Analyst Fundraiser for mental health causes$ChristyChatham Moderator: Debate the News Million Marathon Operate Without Limits (OWL) Cuffing Lounge The Wood Array of Gents Motivated Mindset