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Colleen Brennan




🇨🇦 Winnipeg, Manitoba, - Lean Architect - assess/design new process architecture, most everyday processes(status quo) are failed that is why World is in crisis, starting with Recycle. - Inovator, Leader, Entrepreneur, Troubleshooter - 35 years tech - IBM/Air Canada - Enabler host and network configurations, specialized in Telecommunications (TTY) - 2 IBM Automation Awards - 2011 July, IBM Employee of the Month - 2015 Katerva Award (global sustainability) nominee - Highest Math score age11 - Patents and Trademarks - 2020, Intl Sustainable Development Resource Centre (ISDRC) - Geneva, Next Generation Leadership Certification. - CEO and Founder, Save Our Planet(SOP) Refillery transforming distribution, new infrastructure with tech to remove packaging, igniting wholesale refill revolution for everyday brand products. B2B, commercial always say yes to reducing costs. Selling to B2B2C, SOP Systems to global industries: hospitals, big box retail, airports, military, automotive and much more, removing packaging, increases profits, ROI on SOP Systems is 1 year! Addressing global packaging crisis at the source, lean disrupting supply chain reduces costs 20%, waste 100% and mega million tons of carbon emissions. At funding stage to create SOP Refillery Showcase in Winnipeg Canada, the next unicorn is reducing global waste! #cleantech #zerowaste #reuseefficiency #BringYourOwnContainers linkedIn: Colleen BrennanVandersteen
