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Cat Corchado




*US Air Force Veteran🎖/*Founder - Small Space Pilates/*Fitness Pro and Movement Specialist with 39 years experience of helping people find their fitness fabulosity/Host of Sisters-in-Service podcast🎤 /Featured Speaker Sign up for your complimentary week of online Pilates, weight training and stretching live with me! Https:// I help all veterans with a focus on women veterans, military spouses, Blue Star and Gold Star families connect and find their veteran sisters, resources and connections and avoid the fear of falling after transition from the military👩‍❤️‍👩 🦹‍♀️My superpower is helping women feel freaking fabulous by re-discovering their fabulosity. Small Space Pilates is an online fitness community where you can use your small space and get fit in a place where you don’t have to be perfect!!💜 Try a complimentary week of live classes with me at Https://www.smallspacepilates/SSPilates Sisters-in-Service podcast is for and about women veterans in the US and around the world. What’s your story? Be a guest!!💜 💜Looking to be a guest on other podcasts I can speak on being a woman in the military, single parenthood, wellness/fitness, being a woman veteran, midlife women