Cartwheeler BB
⭐️ A Versatile Artist ⭐️ An avid English learner and performer ⭐️ Super athletic ⭐️ a shining star in the universe ⭐️ Mostly acting in English, singing, performing and playing the piano on CH ♥︎ 🎹 perfect pitch ♥︎ An admin of 디즈니 대본읽기방 in 놀면서즐기는영어 : 토요일 밤10:30 ♥︎제1회 ‘힘을 주는 라디오 노래자랑’ 2등 (Sep 10 2022) ♥︎ Hayes님방 1주년 영어동화공연 배우 (June 17 2022) ♥︎ A moderator of More & More 미드로 영어와 문화 즐기며 배우기 (with Ethan쌤 & Romii in 영어교육클럽) ♥︎ 라푼젤 노래방 in 놀면서즐기는영어 🎤 Quarterly Cart-Ro Music box (with Romii) -My favorite songs I recently liked (10/../2022) -White X Mas with Cherry Blossoms (05/06/2022) -Red Velvet (01/28/2022) -New Jack Swing (10/21/2021)