Cynical Stoner
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” - Bob Marley ✊🏼 😎 17 year LA Cannabis Industry Veteran After spending 11 years managing successful cannabis businesses in every sector of the California cannabis industry(from Soil to the Oil, baby!), I decided it was time to do some revolutionary acts of my own by addressing the BS in the cannabis industry with a 3 prong attack: 1️⃣ Dispelling hype and misinformation in the cannabis industry VIA my podcast: The CannaBS Detector Podcast 2️⃣ Guerilla education campaign disguised as Snarky stoner clothing: 3️⃣ Empowering consumers, patients and businesses VIA fun and thought provoking educational experiences and collaborations - I have taught groups and companies of all sizes, from small Meetups to publicly traded cannabis companies