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Jayne Hume




Help overwhelmed female Health/Fitness professionals grow impactful businesses No burnout 😥 Earn income to reflect expertise 💰 Have more joy 😊 Who do I help ? 👇 ➡️ Fitness / Pilates Business owners ➡️ Physiotherapists ➡️ Nutritionists ➡️ Massage Therapists. 📲DM me ‘LETS TALK’ to book for a free 45mins Business Strategy Smash call ☎️ Based in UK 🇬🇧 Solihull 📍 🌎 working online Join me on CLUBHOUSE in my room Friday Health & Fitness Business Clinic at 4pm every Friday Join my Club Fitness Business Clinic Hit the 🔔 to get notified when I’m hosting a room / speaking How I Help Can You 👇 💥Getting you total clarity on a vision that excites and scares you ! 😁 💥 Set financial targets and income goals that reflects your value and expertise. 💰 💥Create Marketing & Sales Strategies that don’t overwhelm you or take hours or just about another Facebook ad 🙄 💥Design the best customer experience that will wow your clients 🤗 💥Creating positive mindset shifts so you have strong self belief in yourself 💪 💥Design your business so you don’t sacrifice your health / relationships 💕 💥Helping clients have lots of joy😊 in their lives 📲DM me ‘LETS TALK’ to book for a free 45mins Business Strategy Smash call ☎️ I offer an empathetic approach to supporting you to grow your health and fitness business with a no BS business mentoring programme coupled with supportive mindset coaching to remove any doubts you can achieve your vision. 12 years + working as a women’s health coach experienced in pre/ post natal , menopause and hysterectomy, c section and pelvic floor rehab Single mum of 3 girls (and survived 😉) Loves : 💗 My dog Jessie 🐕 💗 Swimming 🏊 💗 Walking in nature 🌳 💗 Lover of blowdrys 👩🏼 💗 🍸and ☕️ !! (Coffee first) ✳️Happy to colab & moderate on : 👉 Business Strategy in Health / Fitness 👉 Women’s Health 👉 Single Business Mums DM me to book in for a free 45mins Business Strategy Smash 💥 Join my club : Fitness Business Clinic