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Istahiil Ismail




M💍❤️🫶 🇬🇧 Xishood 👇) الحياء شعبه من الايمان👌🙏❤️ Aamusnaata ugu wayni Waa aamusnaanta aad Aamusto Adigo ilaalinaya 🧕🏼asluubta iyo qiimaha naftada🔐👸🏾❤️🙏 The most alluring thing that a women can have is confident ❤️🤞 Aniiga iska leh Noloshayda👑 Markasta oo aad Ilaahay isu dhul-dhigto kor ayuu kuu qaadayaa 🌸 Keep your secret to yourself, your best friend has another best friend.😎 👑Queen knows how to build her empire with the same stones ♟💯👸 ❤️ Learn to be patient life is not good everyday ❤️ (Xishood 👇) الحياء شعبه من الايمان👌🙏❤️ Whoever is bringing out the best in you stay connected with them ❤️