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Xiaolin Tao




发现几种人热衷于中医发展: Note kinds of people who keenly develop Chinese (Middle) Medicine: ⒈中医世家传承人;⒉高深现代医学研究者撞到了天花板;⒊得了现代医学治不好的病,生不如死时幸运地被中医治愈;⒋求助了顶尖现代医学还是失去亲人;⒌呢? ⒈ Heirs of a family of Traditional Chinese Medicine; ⒉ Top Modern Medicine researchers who hit the ceiling; ⒊ Patients who sufferred terrible diseases, incurable by Modern Medicine, but were cured by Chinese Medicine; ⒋ Seekers of top Modern Medicine who still lost a loved one; ⒌ Others? 好像信奉中医的生活方式是极端又奢侈的运动😜。 The lifestyle promoted by Chinese Medicine seems to be an extreme and extravagant exercise😜. 个人谬论:《黄帝内经》藏着上百个诺贝尔奖😄 Personal fallacy: "Huangdi Neijing" (The Inner Classic of the Yellow Emperor) hides over a hundred of Nobel Prizes😄 2022年4月1日:紀念新冠疫情結束兩週年,針對走中醫路線的人們。 April 1, 2022: Commemorating…… the COVID-19 pandemic has been over for 2 years, for those who took the Chinese Medicine approach. 推荐深入浅出的中医讲座,Google:明医 漫谈健康 微信号/WeChat: buildster