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Bryant Wood




🔺The Circle Netflix 🫀Love all 700k Supporters 👁Teacher Daily Yoga App 50 mil subs 🔥 Mental Coach Discovery Inc. IG: bryantwood 🤍Co-Founder Modern Nirvana • Annual Conference • 30+mil views YouTube About me: 1. Oldest of triplets that would do anything for their younger sister 2. Gave away all my belongs 3x 3. Learned meditation through 10 years of wrestling 4. Taught 50,000+ the power of Breathwork I'm in search of diverse thought leaders, with whom I can create clubhouse rooms to take action for a better world. ~Mental thriving ~ Unity ~ Inspiration~ “Bryant is a shining star: Wisdom, compassion, lightness, humor, and depth. A wonderful teacher, mentor, and visionary.” -Emma Seppälä, Ph.D (Science Director of Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education) "There are few healers with as clean and bright an auric field as Bryant. He is a beautiful and knowledgeable soul with a deep knowing and connection with nature and energy. He is has fast become one of my favorite humans." -Goddess Ion (Fulani Goddess, Practitioner of Ancient Egyptian Mysticism) “Bryant has taught me some breaths that have connected me deeper to myself, my body, and the energy space. He is the only breathwork guide I want to work with and I recommend him to anyone who is looking to dive deep within. He is a genuine light worker and a champion in his field, and being a champion in my field I only want to work with the best. That’s B." -Shane Mosley (7x World Champion Boxer) “Bryant is a natural leader; leader of people, of ideas, of healing. His approach has compassion full of transformative energy that surpasses age, beliefs, gender- all things that divide us. He helps you release existential stress, and unites us with our purpose so we can do greater in the world." -Shaman Durek (6 Generation Spirit Shaman & Author of Spirit Hacking) Past Partnerships: Netflix Discover Inc Spotify Younga United Nations Optimal Performance Summit Active Minds Vital Redlight Braintap HBO Veterinary Association Features: Netflix, Forbes, LaPalme, Amazon, KTL 5, Pop TV, The CW, MediaPost, Movember, The Drum, Campaign, Women’s health, Buzz Feed, ExtraTV, NewYork Daily, •Breathwork certifications & 1:1 Healings •Weekly workshops •Tantra