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Brotha Jermaine




BLACK Intellectual Hoodlum with VGQ- Knowledge of Self/GOD -the Supreme Wisdom to UNDERSTAND-The Nation of Islam (NOI) -the 5% Nation of GODz & Earthz (NGE) ✊🏾 Co-FOUNDER of FBA aka The Foundational Black Americans… I was the catalyst or pivotal in making Tariq Nasheed, the Mascot of FBA to gain international recognition for FBA/DOS it was absolutely the best decision that I ever made giving that grifter, the FBA platform-unfortunately he’s doing EXACTLY what I thought he would NOT do with the FBA identity name and lineage and that’s elevate himself and practice fake Pro Black nepotism, by only giving his cronies and suck ups shine or so called prestige or fame.. The mouth of Knowledge and Wisdom is only open to the EAR of UNDERSTANDING….always seek TRUTH and JUSTICE Most of these Conscious Neguz are psychotic or fake AF and the rest are probably sneaky Whole Life Insurance Agents that sell Trash (cash) Value Life Insurance to BLACK People, please watch out for the FRAUDs and fakers of the 120 buffer gods on this APP- too many are just 10% blood suckers of the Poor, using the Righteous Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Father Allah (Clarence 13X) for clout, Student of the Late Great- Dr Frances Cress Welsing (Cress Theory) and Neely Fuller Jr (The Compensatory Code System Workbook) aka The BLACK CODE book of Understanding- Leadership role in #ADOS before making Tariq Nasheed the voice of FBA and the split with the Foundational BLACK Americans (FBA) in AmeriKKKa after the split between FBA and ADOS served as the FBA Liaison to the Nation of Islam (NOI) in North America and around the world,.. #TheFinancialHoodHeru exposing the fakes, frauds and fuk NEGUZ that do fuk shyt in AMERICA, but I will continue to help ADOS friends, FBA family with FINANCIAL counseling and education to secure their financial future & independence.. Don’t fall for the TRICKNOLOGY or slicknology of the 85%-bacon in the bean pie Slicknologist with a Star and Crescent headband like 19Keys or these slick Brother Ben X- Bow-Tie wearing Whole Life Insurance Agents of Scientology, because “Every Brother ain’t a Brotha..” Just look at the lives of El Hajj Malik Shabazz aka Malcolm X or Dr Khalid Abdul Muhammad I will defend-stand with Kyrie Irving and the human formerly known as Kanye West now known by Ye son of Donda, creator of Yezzy and his children and both now are getting tortured by the Synagogue of satan in AmeriKKKa for speaking their truth!