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Are you ready for a Quantum Leap in Living from Your Zone & Potential? FOLLOW ME ON THREADS! Get out of your way & into your life! 🖤 There is a macro-skill of knowing your Creation Frequenzy - mastering awareness, emotions, and flow. 🧬 Since 2002 - guided 1000’s to Awaken to their True-OneSelf CEO Evolutionary Human Development 💫Creator of Access Points 📘Author: STOP SMILE BREATHE BE 🎙AWAKE LIFE Podcast 🚀 Unlocking your creative genius by Awakening the entrepreneurial spirit into ACTION & FLOW! 🏡 Join the evolutionary conversation by following our club (EHD) Evolutionary Human Accessing (tm) is a breakthrough in living flow beyond the usual mindfulness mindset & meditation. 🔥ACCESS POINTS Trains you “out of your mind” & into your CORE - ZONE - the powerful YOU in every MOMENT!! 🧠 Mental Wellness -Ending the battle with Negative thoughts & emotions: stress, anxiety & depression... 💥Executive Strategic Awareness (E.S.A) Consulting & TRAINING for BUSINESS EXECUTION: - ACTIVE LISTENING - Evolving Awareness - Emotional IQ - clearing communication - higher employee retention - Clarity in communications - Higher Sales - Happier people (Employees & Clients) EQUALS A BETTER BOTTOM $$$$$ 🌎 Here to wake the whole f’n thing up! Oh it’s already awake -oh you’re already you! 🎯 It’s time to unscrew you! Literally “Get out of your Mind” and into your life. 🚀 Access - a quantum shift to Vibrantly Living, Freedom, Inner peace & flow! 💥 Conscious entrepreneurs - living success at the edge of the unknown where all creation, invention & art arises. 🐸🍄 Plant Medicines & the evolution of consciousness -Accessing (modern meditation) session